Step 1
Remove the knob bolt.

Step 2
Remove the filter cover.

Step 3
Remove the filter.

Step 4
Turn the pump up side down. Remove the bolts from the four corners. Use 8mm each side wrench.

Step 5
Use a screwdriver to pry open upper and lower housings as shown in photo.

Step 6
Remove the sound absorber.

Step 7
Remove the screws hold the chamber block. (4screws on each side.)

Step 8
Remove the L-tube from the casing nozzle.

Step 9
Remove the U-lock nut securing diaphragm from only one side. 150/200GJL : 7mm each side wrench. Use the box driver to tighten (or loosen) the U-lock nut.

Step 10
Remove one of the diaphragm mounting block from the rod, and pull out the other diaphragm mounting block from the pump body with the rod. Remove the other diaphragm mounting block from the rod. This completes the chamber block removal procedure.
Step 1
Install a new diaphragm mounting block on the actuating rod. Set the actuating rod in line with groove and tighten the U-lock nut(s).
• Use new U-lock nut and washer only that come as replacement parts to prevent loosening and causing failure of the pump

Step 2
Insert the actuating rod in accordance with the gap of the frame.

Step 3
Secure the diaphragm mounting block on other side and tighten with washer and U-lock nut using the box driver. Make sure the gaps between the actuating rod and the electromagnet are even.

Step 4
Connect L-tube to the casing block and secure the casing with the screws. (4screws on each side.) Install the other casing block at the same way.

Step 5
Insertion of SM Bar

Step 6
Insertion completes.

Step 7
Install the sound absorber.

Step 8
Place the upper housing back on body. (Be extremely careful about the cord bushing.) If the pump makes an abnormal noise, this may be sign of improper positioning of the cord bushing.

Step 9
Turn the pump body upside down and tighten bolts.

Step 10
Replace the filter pad. • Remove all dust that collected on pad. • If it heavily soiled, use a neutral detergent to wash it, rinse it with water, and dry it well out of direct sunlight before reinstalling.

Step 11
Place the filter cover back on properly. Secure it with the Knob bolt. Please check whether the pump sounds unusual and the amount of discharged air is greatly reduced.